Authorized Translations
We specialise on authorised legal translations for official use at Indonesian, German or English speaking authorities in the language pairs :
Bahasa Indonesia into German
German into Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia into English
English into Bahasa Indonesia
Our translators and interpreters are members of the Indonesian Translators Association (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia) with more than 10 years experience. Our translators are certified for the language pairs German – Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Indonesia – German, English – Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Indonesia – English. After the translation is crafted, it is proofread, edited and formatted by an experienced editor with native speaker language proficiency.
Accuracy and quality of translations is critical to reaching your individual goals – such as marriage, divorce, land ownership, immigration or acceptance for education or workplace. We are here to support you with our first-class translations, so you can make your dreams happen
Companies and Organisations
When you are working at a corporate or organizational legal entity, then you will search for linguistically correct and compliant translations required by your partners, shareholders, audience or market. Please contact us directly with your inquiry for a consultative approach.
For the target country to recognize the accuracy of your papers, the translations must be official in the eyes of the law. We add a translator’s note attesting that the translation is faithful to its original document before signing and stamping it.
The quality and the authenticity of our certified translations are accepted by Indonesian, German and English speaking authorities plus legal professionals. To this end, we must see the actual document or a legalized copy of it, if we are to attest that we have translated from the original document. In this case, we prioritize legal compliance and work ethics over your comfort.
If we attest that we translated from a non – legalized scan or copy of a document, you will face problems later on as target authorities and legal professionals might doubt the legality and accuracy of your original document. You must therefore inquire with the target authorities what they consider permissive practices – we can assist you with this.
We never craft or hand out authorized translations when we doubt that they will serve you a life time! We hold ourselves responsible to very rigorous quality standards because we value your long-term satisfaction more than short-term convenience.
This is our quality over quantity promise.
How will the authorized translation look like?
- Copy of the original document
- Translation
- A stamped and signed note from the certified translator
Translations are printed as duplicate copies.
We sign and stamp our scan of the original document and attach our signed and stamped translation after it. We attach a note attesting to the authenticity of our translation.
All pages are over stamped, signed and bound so that they cannot be replaced.
Authorized translations cannot be delivered digitally.
Receive Hard Copies at your Doorstep
We deliver via Gojek in Denpasar, send the documents via JNE across Indonesia, or use DHL for international orders. The costs for shipping and taxes will be paid upfront by the client.
Your convenience is imperative to us.
We understand that true convenience, in a digital landscape, means that we make translations available to come to you in digital format. We have structured our service as much as possible to provide simplicity and convenience – from your first inquiry, the submission of the source text to us, the payment process and the postal or digital delivery, we have digitalized the process to the best of our knowledge. However, when we craft authorised